A Step By Step Guide to Creating Compelling Content INFOGRAPHIC

f you have been following our blog for any amount of time, you already know that we believe that CONTENT IS KING.

Creating unique, high quality content could quite possibly be the single greatest thing you can do to improve your business’s online presence. I would even venture to say that if there was one Internet Marketing activity I would recommend above anything else, it would be content creation, because content creation fuels so many other Internet marketing efforts.

Do You Struggle With Writing Good Content?

I’ve spoken with business leaders all across Gainesville and North Florida on how creating good content helps your SEO, lead generation and credibility with potential customers. Most of them describe how they struggle to create good content for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s not having enough time, difficulty finding the right topics to write about, or not being confident in their own writing ability, more often than not, business leaders struggle with writing content.

Here is a brief breakdown for you to follow:


  • Brainstorming Compelling Article Topics: As I said earlier, this is a major pain point for business leaders, and starting with a compelling topic will act as your anchor when writing your article. Above all else, when brainstorming topics, always write for your readers. By this, I mean that having the thoughts, questions, or concerns of your customers at heart will ensure that your topic will resonate with them, and so too will the content of your article.
  • Balance Your Keywords: Gone are the days of stuffing your content with keyword terms that only talk about your products or services. You have to write content that people will actually want to read and share. Incorporating keyword terms in your content is tricky, but if you build a theme in your article that relates to your keyword terms, then you will be relating to your audience as well as helping search engines identify what terms should be indexed.
  • Always Focus on the Reader: By now you are noticing the importance of writing for your audience. A great way to keep your audience at the center of attention in your content is to imagine that you are writing for only them. You might even want to invision that you are having a conversation with a colleague. Asking questions, giving away tips, or practical examples are all great ways to help you keep your content focused on your reader.
  • Share and Promote: Like I said earlier, content creation is the single greatest tactic you can spend time on, and this is one of the reasons why. The content that you create can now be shared on social websites like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, and will continue to assert yourself as an expert and assist in growing your online community.